FINTECH Circle is now the World’s largest Fintech community.

Discover how we designed their marketing strategy, rebuilt their website & helped them grow their global reach to well over 127,000+ 

Case Study

FINTECH Circle utilises POW for all their Web & Graphic design & marketing

FINTECH Circle is on a mission to create the world’s leading fintech ecosystem & a platform connecting, investing, educating &  generating opportunities for finance professionals and tech entrepreneurs.

They also publish industry thought-leadership book titles & make films. In 2014 they established Europe’s 1st fintech-focused Investor Network, providing funding opportunities for the best fintech startups.


FINTECH Circle had a tired old website that didn’t communicate effectively to all their different customers. the website suffered from poor conversion and really need a complete over haul…


POW! conducted marketing workshops, then crafted a new “Communications strategy” created psycho-graphic profiles and sales funnels. We then rebuilt the website from the ground up leading to a dramatic 37% increase in conversions.  We also implemented various Landing pages, sales funnels, capture devices and live events to build a real sense of community…


“POW! has taken care of our entire website and all our marketing for the last 3 years. To say I’m happy with the results is an under-statement. I recommend Glenn, Ardon and the whole POW! team. I highly recommend them for both the value, flexibility and also their marketing expertise – which is second to none” 10/10.

Susanne Chishti, Founder & CEO of FINTECH Circle

"In the last 3 years POW has grown our customer base by over 101,000 members. I can't recommend Glenn and the team highly enough. 10/10"

Susanne Chishti

CEO & Founder: FINTECH Circle

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