...a few Testimonials

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Richard Rothschild

Founder: BusinessMobiles.com

I trust glenn so much I have invested over £500,000 with him and his POW agency. Thats how much I trust him. We’ve generated over $47.7 million together. Thank you.

Nathalie Boevnick

PostCode Lottery

With a £50 million budget at Postcode lottery. I can say we’ve worked with the BEST. BUT I have never worked with anyone who is so knowledgeable in online marketing as Glenn. POW blows much bigger Ad Agencies right out of the water. Incredible value.

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Don’t take our word for it. See what these clients have to say about the quality of our work
This has been a game-changer for our Charity. Glenn & POW are much better than even Saatchi & Saatchi, I highly recommend him.

Zahra Sha

Board Director/Trustee

After 17 years. Gosh knows just how many leads you’ve generated for us? …. It’d be in the 100,000’s of Thousands if not Millions. Thank you, thank you

Charmaine De Souza

Owner BusinessMobiles

Bindar Dosanjh - UK's No1 Female Property investor & Trainer

Owner: Smart Core Wealth

Glenn is 100% my GO-TO Marketing Expert. He’s filled my events & launched my online Property Investment course. You’d been crazy not to work with him – – 5 stars

Mark Trowbridge


They’re got us to number 1 for over 15 keywords. We’re dominating the Industry. I love what Glenn does. 10/10

Stefan Ramenby

Co Founder : Barschool.net & European Bar School

We have DOUBLED Sales in 9 months. Work with Glenn. We went from £1.2 million turner to £2.4 million in under 9 months. He and his team are simply the best of the best…

Rokas Milkonas


I honestly have TOO MUCH business now. We can’t handle the volumes of appointments & leads. We’re Number 1 for over 20 keywords. Yes… Highly recommended.
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