Top 4 Rules to Create a High-Converting About Us Page

Is it the landing page? Or maybe the pricing page, product pages or the contact page?
Picture of Glenn Burgess
Glenn Burgess

Glenn P Burgess Author, Speaker - UK's No1 Fintech & SaaS Marketing expert.

According to you, what is the most important page of your site?

Is it the landing page? Or maybe the pricing page, product pages or the contact page?

Rarely do the advertisers know the significance of the ‘About Us’ page.

Here’s an interesting fact for you.

A recent study by KoMarketing, showed that 52% of respondents said the main thing they need to see when they land on a site is a company’s ‘About Us’ page.


I know you must be wondering why do people care so much about the ‘About Us’ page.


Well, in a book, Likeonomics: Rohit clearly explained that people decide who to trust, who to buy from & who to listen.

This is a simple metrics called Believability. Building trust takes time & your company’s succuss is directly impacted by that.

“There is a real ROI to likeability, & precisely how big it is will amaze you.”

For a better understanding, whenever you meet a new person, you are most likely to ask about his/her interests like favorite food, TV shows, places you grew up at, hobbies etc.

But, have you ever thought why you do that?

Simply, to look for an association, something that connects you with the person you’ve just met.

We all do this just to see whether that person is of our kind & is he/she reliable? Do we share any common encounters? It is safe to say that he/she is dependable? Do we have any similar interests?

Our planet Earth hosts approx. 7.5 Billion people & we’re continuously looking for significant associations. These associations help us to get a relief from our depression & discover people we can relate to.

If the new person that we’re talking to clicks us, what do we do?

Build a connection & try to maintain it.

Similarly, your ‘About Us’ page is the place where you make that first association with your prospect. It’s the place where they see whether you ‘get them’, in case you’re similar to them & in case you’re dependable.

The more agreeable, individual & conceivable you are, the more probable it is that possibilities will feel great to purchase from you & become lifetime clients.

Throughout the long term we’ve tried various ‘About Us’ pages & have discovered 4 principle differentiators between them:

“We’ve recorded all the possibilities required to think about us on this page”


“This page will assist clients with getting to know us & feel comfortable”

In case you’re prepared to make the latter, (the high converting type of ‘About us’ page), here are the 4 components you need to ensure:

#1 Make it about the Customer

News Flash: Your ‘About Us’ page isn’t about you by any stretch of imagination, it’s about the client. Honestly!

As opposed to hopping into a ‘here’s the reason we’re so amazing’ list on your page, make a stride back & answer this inquiry: how can you solve your client’s problem?

I’m not discussing a technical torment (e.g. – I need more GB on my telephone to save photographs), I’m discussing the torment they’re encountering in their life or work that driven them to your site, what pain did they simply look for on Bing? (Just kidding… on Google).

Most organizations utilize the ‘About Us’ page to celebrate themselves, talk about their central goal & how stunning they are, while what clients are searching for is to perceive how well you get them & their agony. On the off chance that you make the page about you, you’re really driving them away.

An ongoing report by BBMG states that 73% of individuals care about the organization, not simply the item when making a buy. Individuals want to purchase from individuals. Authentic, similar & likable people.

Thinking about how to understand what your client’s pain is?

By communicating with your clients, you will know their pain, yet additionally the language they use to depict that pain, the arrangement they’re searching for & most of all, what they want. This data can be utilized for your site, testimonials, hero images etc.

For a very long time we had been sending an email to each new subscriber asking the following:

“If I can teach you one thing, just one thing you want to tackle most to grow your business, what would that be?” The answer rate was insanely high & what I got out of it was incredible – quotes, headlines, blog post ideas & so much more.

Brian Dean does the same. “I request all from my new email subscribers, “What’s the #1 thing that is no joke?” And to date, I’ve gotten heaps of answers (more than 25,000 to be definite).

These answers are strong gold for my business. I used to make statements like “It’s disappointing not to get traffic.” But I saw a ton of my supporters alluded to their locales as “ghost towns.”

So today I’ll state something like: “I realize it’s disappointing to feel like your site is a ghost town.” That duplicate impacts them essentially more than text that I pulled out of nowhere.”

Grain & Mortar do it superbly. Instead of driving with themselves, they talk about their customers & how much idea they put into their individual organizations. Outlining these customers as ones that care & make their items, services & quality a high need, quickly separates them from the rest & positions them as a novel group of people, ones different organizations endeavor to resemble. This quickly makes Grain & Mortar’s potential customers need to demonstrate they are comparative.

The psychological space & genuine feelings of serenity of Alfred’s client’s is a main concern for them. While Alfred’s services center around house errands, shopping for grocery & tasks, their point of convergence is on permitting you to do what you love. As the founders state:

#2 Talk TO Your Customers, Not At Them

Consider the discussions you have with your companions. You know your genuine companions. Not individuals you’re attempting to intrigue, partners or colleagues. Our discussions with our companions & close family are more genuine, sympathetic & mindful; these are the means by which you should be addressing your clients.

How about we return to that illustration of meeting an individual unexpectedly, as Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likable Media, clarifies so well:

At a cocktail party, you wouldn’t approach somebody & state, ‘Hello, I’m Dave. My stuff is 20% off.’ What you do is pose inquiries, tell stories, tune in & relate with individuals.

Compose like you talk is presumably the best guidance I have ever gotten & that I can give you. At the point when your prospect shows up on your ‘About Us’ page, he/she isn’t searching for data about your top managerial staff or organization progression. He/she’s looking for somebody who addresses him/her, somebody he/she can relate to & gesture at the screen in agreement while saying – “Exactly!”

Fundamentally he/she’s not searching for an exhausting, “proficient”, stuck up portrayal of what your identity is. Large words, cushy language, & exhausting information won’t get their attention.

Clearly, I don’t anticipate that you should have a different tone & voice on one page than the rest of the site, in any case, if the rest of your brand’s content doesn’t make a difference to these guidelines, you might need to think about new tone & voice.

With GetUplift, I utilize my own voice. Everything is close to home & direct. That implies that on occasion I’m awkward, oversharing, immediate & helpless. Nonetheless, I attempt to bring myself however much as I could be expected into my writing. 

Each email & each page on the site (including these articles) are composed as an individual letter from me to you. Few, out of all brands, can to do this. However an inviting, more receptive voice can do some incredible things.

Reddit has many individuals behind it. As a huge network, they don’t utilize one voice; they utilize their client’s tone & voice. They talk about their qualities, the significance of thinking about others in the network & they do as such by referring to notable characters that the network is enthusiastic about. Their ‘About Us’ page incorporates memes, notable jokes & an adaption for ‘WWJD’ that fits the community’s character.

#3 Tell the Story

Spoiler alert: Imagine the makers of Star Wars never disclosed that Darth Vader was Luke’s dad. Darth would just, out of nowhere, have a change of heart & help Luke without us even knowing why. Without that critical segment of the story, things would appear to be ridiculous, phony & mind boggling. That is actually what an ‘About Us’ page appears as though when it doesn’t tell a story.

Back in the ancient days, individuals lounged around the fire telling stories to one another. As opposed to sharing information (e.g. – 1 kill, 2 birds), they added a story around it, who they met, what they talked about & the specific in depth of how they chased down those two birds. This is the thing that made these occasions important.

The outcome was a similar outcome, they had food around the open air fire, however they additionally had a story & these stories have gone on for quite a long time.

Consider the Bible in the event that you will & any battle ever, it’s not about the number of individuals kicked the bucket or which land was vanquished, it was about the experience individuals experienced their own story & the obscure legends that were fascinating.

On the off chance that you’ve ever asked yourself what makes TEDTalks so effective, the appropriate response is the same – narrating. The speakers, who get prepared widely, tell a story, they map out their excursion from difficulty to chivalry. TED speakers touch our hearts, not heads.


A story is the thing that transforms a drilling attempt to seal the deal into an authentic & individual ‘About Us’ page. It permits prospects to impact you, comprehend your intentions & what made you take on the mission to fathom their agony. 

A story makes you authentic, trustworthy & humanizes your business.

Solemn Oath Brewery conveys an personal story. Their story centers on the underlying foundations of the brewery, it includes the individuals behind it, the discussions, the clients, the set of experiences & the affection for what they do. 

Truth be told, they open with the torment: “When we opened in 2012, Naperville was no Beer City, USA… We weren’t innocent; this was wine, cocktails, & buckets of beer territory & we realized that.” It’s unusual, it’s personal & it brings the client straight into the core of the story: “We should delay here for a second & simply shake our heads a smidgen at how dope it is that we’ve built this thing together.”

Primary concern: Map out your client’s excursion from pain to progress, & there lies a high-converting ‘About Us’ page.

#4 Don’t Just Say It, Show It

The last bit of a reliable, reachable & client driven ‘About Us’ page is Visualization.

The correct pictures can trigger our feelings & increment trust. The correct pictures for this situation (& in so numerous others are pictures of the individuals in the background. Permit prospects to become acquainted with you better & associate with you by showing photographs of yourself, your group & culture.

As per Cialdini’s theory of influence, individuals are undeniably more convinced & prone to purchase from individuals they like. The key is utilizing the correct sort of photographs of your group, photographs that will set up trustworthiness & make your clients need to get an espresso with you & have a visit. Photographs that will make individuals to feel great while purchasing from you.

Like testimonials, I’ve seen that the most high-converting over group photographs incorporate some data about the employee. Instead of simply name & position, a few organizations incorporate area, most loved film, pastimes or the employee’s motto. As should be obvious beneath, adding setting to the photograph & personalization, goes far.


Effective visualization can incorporate group photographs, recordings, cites from workers & customer testimonials, talking not of your item but rather about your group & your relationship with them.

Demonstrating what your group does after hours can work well:

Avoid taking photographs of everybody wearing something same or posing in a similar way. Make authentic photographs of genuine clients that a visitor can relate with. 

Reddit utilizes their brand character, Mailchimp highlights their whole group in a brilliant background & Alfred includes the two fellow benefactors how they utilize their service.

Your New “About Us” Page

Now, I can say: “Congratulations on making to decision to streamline your About Us page.” If there’s only one final thing I can offer as a tip before you begin it is,

Always remember; You’re not the hero of the story, your client is.


Have a cool ‘About Us’ page you like? Share it with us! We’d love to see & highlight it on our blog.

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