6 Effective Titles To Boost Your Webinar Registrations

Don’t overthink it; use one of the proven title formulas listed in this guide to boost your Webinars registrations & attendance rates.
Picture of Glenn Burgess
Glenn Burgess

Glenn P Burgess Author, Speaker - UK's No1 Fintech & SaaS Marketing expert.

Discover the Perfect Formula for writing Killer Webinar Headlines

Quick question: Did you ever think about “how much easier calculations are” thanks to all those proven formulas that we have? You simply plug the values in & you get the right answer.

But do you know what’s even cooler … than finding out the value of “x”?

Discovering the PERFECT FORMULA to fill your next webinar!!! Whoop, whoop

Your Webinar title is undoubtedly the most important piece of your webinar marketing. It’s the headline for every marketing piece, it communicates the crux and value of your webinar, and it drives registrations.

All you have to do is find the right formula, plug in key webinar details, and get a title that works.

After hosting countless successful webinars, I’ve discovered certain title formulas that consistently work better than others by analyzing registration numbers & attendance rates. So wihtout further ado…

Here are the “6 Very BEST webinar title formulas” I’ve found in the order of their effectiveness

1: Lists

Example: 10 Little Known Ways to [blank]

First of all, who doesn’t like a properly laid out list right? Quick and easy on the eye, it gives your audience a clear idea of what they can expect from your webinar. You just need to make sure your title is “niche” enough to attract the audience you want.

For example, “10 Ways to Be Better at Business” is not specific enough to target niche audiences.

It is also so general that it doesn’t really communicate value.

Here are a few examples of more targeted list titles:

  • 10 Ways to Use YouTube Videos to Increase Conversions
  • 5 Little Known Habits of the MOST Successful Online Entrepreneurs
  • Top 7 Ways to Increase Brand Awareness on Pinterest 

2: How to

Example:  How to do  [something awesome]  like  [someone awesome]

How-to titles always act as a magnet & show your authority; not only can you tell people how to do something, but you can tell them how to do it like a boss.

This builds “Trust” amongst attendees as they are sure they’ll leave the webinar with practical tips & actionable takeaways.


  • How to Promote Your E-Commerce Business Like a Marketing Pro
  • How to Structure Your Work Day Like Elon Musk
  • How to Build Your Own Website Like a Conversion Rate Guru

3: 101

Example: [Interesting topic] 101: Learn How to [blank] Like a Pro

101 titles convey that beginners can attend your webinar & still understand the content. It also sends out a message that your webinar is full of valuable & useful information. These titles are great when you’re covering a new or trending topic people want to learn about. 


  • Product Photography 101: Staging and Lighting Tips for Beginners
  • Instagram Ads 101: From Creating Great Ads to Boosting Click-Through Rate
  • Web Design 101: How to Create Clean, High-Converting Websites

4: Classes, Trainings & Workshops

Example: Master Content Marketing Workshop

Unlike 101-titles, classes/trainings/workshops communicate that your webinar will include in-depth information. These webinars are typically not for beginners (unless explicitly stated) and attendees expect to gain exclusive information from industry leaders.


  • Advanced Faceook Workshop: Staying Ahead of Algorithm Updates
  • eCommerce Master Class for Small B2B Businesses
  • Mobile SEO Training: Keywords and Content Strategy

5: New

Example: New Data Reveals How Marketers Should Be Doing [ blank ]

Titles with the word “new” always create a hype & a sense of excitement. People are naturally attracted to new-titles because they convey attendees will receive exclusive information most people don’t have access to yet. 


New Techniques to Boost Your SEO Page Rank
New Facebook Strategies to Attract More Likes and Followers
New Tech All Marketers Should Know About

6: Trends

Example: The New Trend in [blank] that [someone trustworthy] Swears By

Trending titles/topics are a great way to show your audience that fully up-to-date & aware of the latest industry developments. With “trending” webinars, attendees expect a fresh perspective, so it’s always a good idea to partner with another brand or bring in an industry expert to provide different opinions more thought-provoking content.


  • Video Ad Trends Changing the Way We Connect with Brands
  • Smartphone Trends: Are They Worth the Upgrade?
  • Natural Living Trends That Will Have You Seeing Green

Your webinar content could be amazing, but it doesn’t matter if your title doesn’t grab attention & drive your audience to register.

My advice?

Don’t overthink it; use one of the title formulas stated above & be ready to get blown away by the response in the form of registrations & attendance rates.

And if you’re feeling stuck, just pick up the phone and give me a call anytime 
ph 07785182753

Good luck!

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